Harker View is a unique opportunity to bring a modern, sustainable logistics hub to Carlisle.

Located next the M6 at Junction 44, our vision is to create a new employment park featuring up to 2million sq ft of logistics space, a state-of-the-art electric vehicle charging forecourt, as well as supporting service facilities, including a 75-bed hotel, a public house and drive-thrus.

Our vision for Harker View is a huge vote of confidence in Carlisle and responds to the demands of international and national businesses who want to be based in the city.

We originally consulted on the vision for Harker View in 2020. We now need your support as we submit a planning application to Carlisle City Council.

If approved Harker View will enable Carlisle to take advantage of some of the fastest growing sectors of the UK economy on a strategically important site next to the M6 and A7.

“The fact that the developer is interested in Carlisle and Cumbria is great news from my perspective. It demonstrates Carlisle is becoming a far more attractive place for business due to its geography and the significance of Carlisle and its businesses to the Borderlands region.”

John Stevenson, MP for Carlisle

The Mail: 02 December 2020

“It says a lot for the potential of Carlisle that Strawsons sees the city as an attractive proposition. We already have a strong logistics sector here. Carlisle is an ideal location for businesses looking for a hub to service the north of England and Scotland. It’s encouraging too that the scheme includes green infrastructure such as electric vehicle charging points. It’s very much a development of its time.”

Former Chief Executive of Cumbria Chamber of Commerce

The Mail: 05 December 2020


2million sq ft of employment space

Electric vehicle charging station

£145m+ to Carlisle economy each year

Generating £3.7 million each year in business rates to support local services

75-bed hotel

Petrol station

Over 12 acres of new green space

Over 7 acres of new wetland created

New pubs, restaurants and drive-thrus

Space for 2,235 jobs

Over 6 acres of new woodland planted

£45 million per year to boost local construction sector

High Quality Local Jobs

Harker View will see up to 2million sq ft of employment space available for high tech logistics operators and other industries of the future to create high-quality, sustainable jobs for local people. We are already in discussions with several national and international companies who want to locate to Carlisle at Harker View.

By providing employment space alongside space for people to eat, drink and stay at Harker View we hope to create a modern and sustainable place where people want to work and socialise.

Landscaping and Green Spaces

Harker View will be environmentally friendly, helping to reduce energy consumption, enable more electric vehicles to be used for travel and that have all the facilities people will need to work and travel sustainably, on site, through careful design and planning.

With over 25 acres of new woodland, wetland, landscaping and areas of public open space, workers and visitors alike will be able to enjoy wonderful green spaces that Harker View will have to offer.

Our vision for Harker View is to create a modern and sustainable new employment park where people can access well-paid jobs located within fabulous green spaces. Our indicative masterplan has been designed to respond to demand from national and international operators and would see new employment units located close to the M6 with other roadside and leisure uses located just off the A7.

Site aerial view

Motorway view

Entrance view

Our timeline

  • DECEMBER 2020
    Initial public consultation
  • November 2022
    Outline planning application submitted
  • November 2022
    Further public consultation on updated vision
  • WINTER 2023
    Outline planning application determined
  • SUMMER 2023
    Occupiers confirmed
    Reserved matters application submitted
  • AUTUMN 2023
    Reserved matters application determined
  • 2024
    Infrastructure starts on site
    Building construction starts
  • 2025
    Building work complete
    First employment units open

Register your support

Your voice can make a real difference by showing the council that there is local support for our vision and the real benefits that it offers Carlisle.

You can register your support by completing the form below:

  • Hidden

Strawsons Property is a privately owned Property Development, Investment and Management group.

Operating throughout the UK for over 40 years, we have specialised in the investment, management, promotion and development of property.

Our experienced team of commercial and technical specialists work closely with communities, public bodies and businesses to deliver regeneration schemes which meet local needs and aspirations across commercial, residential and retail sectors.

We own and directly manage a broad portfolio of properties, providing quality environments in which hundreds of businesses from small start-ups to multi-national organisations thrive.

As a privately owned business we are flexible and focus on long-term goals rather than short-term profits, responding quickly and decisively to the needs of vendors, purchasers and tenants.